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Lip Sync Battle: The party game of the future

On a long drive to my in-laws’ lake house this summer, my husband and I were bored and trying to keep ourselves occupied when we happened upon the greatest idea ever (slight exaggeration).

We’d recently watched Jimmy Fallon’s lip syncing contest videos and so to pass the time we started asking each other what song we’d have various family members sing. And that’s when we decided as our new family tradition, we’d have an annual lip-syncing contest. And it would be amazing.

Backing up slightly, if you haven’t seen Jimmy Fallon’s lip-sync battle videos, watch them. now. please.

Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync Battle Part I

Jimmy Fallon Lip Sync Battle Part II

You’re welcome.

Here’s the thing: it’s so much better than karaoke. You don’t need to be talented. You just need to be willing to make a bit of an arse of yourself. And that is why I believe lip-sync battles are the party-game of the future. They can be done in your living room. They can be done at a wedding (hint hint). They can be done at a birthday party. Whenever you do it - you will have fun.

We had a BLAST doing it over our Christmas holiday. A blast. Now, keep in mind, my whole family happens to be performers in one way or another. We’re also people who don’t half-ass anything. So this crowd was dedicated and they BROUGHT IT. My sister learned all the Korean lyrics to Gangnam Style. My brother-in-law brought down the house with the always classic, “Dick In a Box.” I pulled out the *NSYNC dance moves I learned 10 years ago (long story) and brought the early aughts to my living room. There were costumes. There were knee slides. The songs ranged from Michael Bolton to LL Cool J. It was amazing.

There were not, however, videos (that was one of the rules). But I wanted to share this idea because I truly think it’s a sure way to guaranteed fun.

I do highly recommend rules. Here were some of the basics we shared with our family:

  • The battle will consist of each contestant lip syncing three songs. The songs may be any song - from any era, any genre, as long as you are able to provide the audio

  • For time’s sake, we ask that each contestant choose approximately 1 minute (it can be slightly over or under) of each song. We recommend one verse and one chorus, for example.

  • A hair brush microphone will be provided, but not required.

  • Dancing, movement, etc are encourages, though please note this battle will be taking place in our living room in front of the fireplace, and next to the Christmas tree, so space is somewhat limited.

  • There will be three rounds, with each person performing their first song, then second, then third. Each contestant may choose their order.

So let’s make this the new trend, eh? And if you decide videos are allowed at your own battle, please share them with me.

P.s. This also ties in to a great discussion that's been happening on A Practical Wedding for a while now regarding creating your own holiday traditions. Go check it out if you can cause it's an important conversation for all engaged and married folks - navigating the holidays is never easy. But having lip sync battles to bring families together might just be the trick.

P.P.S. I wanted to update this to add a link to a wedding who did a lip sync battle at their holud - You’ve got to check it out ;)