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Friday Links: Sonograms and Gatsby

First of all. You guys. YOU GUYS. After last week's post, I had to quickly talk about the poor Lady Edith. Holy hell, her dress was gorgeous - in my humble opinion it kicked Lady Mary's dress's arse. The sleeves were in full force and that train was gorgeous. Let us all lament the fact that she didn't actually get married in that stunner. I was really hoping she had found some happiness (le sigh). On to some other fun links to end the week:

Downton is gonna definitely start some wedding trends this year, but I also believe that Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby is gonna take over. Michelle Edgemont did a great inspired shoot here.

I love me some Dan Savage. Check out his great article on marriage.

And guys? I'm sorry, but please don't hire me to plan one of these.